Home API Notes


  • Boolean: A denoting a system of algebraic notation used to represent logical arguments
  • Relational Operators: The mathematical relationship shared between two given variables. Determines whether a statement is true or false based on the output.
  • Conditionals: Allow the expression of an algorithms that utilize selection to occur without the use of a programming language.
  • Conditional Statement: A statement that affects the sequence of control by executing certain statements depending on the value of a boolean.

Unit 3.5 Hacks

  • Explain in your own words what each logical operator does NOT: Outputs the opposite of the given data and is typically used for true or false statements - has no effect on the variable. AND: Evaluates two separate conditions and determines if they are all met. OR: Checks for if only one condition is met.

  • Code your own scenario that makes sense for each logical operator

Tru = True
equals = "="
opposite = not(Tru)
fun = "fun"
awesome = fun

if fun and awesome == "fun":
    print("NOT AND")
import random 

numList = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
ranNum = random.randrange(len(numList))

if ranNum == 2 or ranNum == 5:
    print("NOT OR")

Unit 3.6 Hacks

  • 1 point for defining all the key terms in your own words. 0.5 points if you use examples that show you truly understand it.
  • 1 point for writing a program that uses binary conditional logic. 0.5 points if it is original and shows complexity

1) Selection: A construct in which the code will only run if a given condition is met.

  • Example: If an answer is true, then the program will run 2) Algorithm: A procedure utilized for completing mathematical operations or problem solving.
  • Example: An algorithm that takes in the correct and incorrect (overall points) of a test/quiz, that then displays the users' score. 3) Conditional statement: When a program only runs if a set of conditions are met.
  • Example: a) If the basketball is not flat, the game will proceed. b) If the basketball is not broken, then the game will be able to continue.
firstNum = int(input("Input your first number."))
secondNum = int(input("Input your second number."))

conditional = input("AND, OR, XOR?").lower()
if conditional == "and":
    print("Selection:" , "AND", firstNum, "&", secondNum, "=", firstNum & secondNum)
elif conditional =="or":
    print("Selection:" , "OR ", firstNum, "|", secondNum, "=", firstNum | secondNum)
elif conditional =="xor":
    print("Selection:" , "XOR", firstNum, "^", secondNum, "=", firstNum ^ secondNum)
Selection: AND 5 & 10 = 0
color = "orange"
item = "fruit"

if color == "orange":
    print("Right color, wrong item!")
    color != "orange" , item == "fruit"
    print("Wrong color, right item!")
if color =="green":
     print("Wrong color, wrong item!")
    item != "fruit" , color != "orange"
    print("Right item, right color!")

Right color, wrong item!
Right item, right color!
Temperature = 85
Cloudy = True
if Temperature > 85:
    if Cloudy == True:
        print("Hot and cloudy!")
    elif Cloudy == False:
        print("Hot, but not cloudy!")
elif Temperature < 80:
    if Cloudy == True:
        print("Neither hot nor cloudy!")
    elif Cloudy == False:
        print("Neither hot nor cloudy!")
if spice > 1000:
    if tongue == "strong!":
        print("Not spicy!")
    elif milk == "present":
        print("Not spicy!")
    elif tongue == "weak":
        print("Not spicy at all!")

Create a piece of code that displays four statements instead of three. Try to do more if you can.

make = "BMW"
model = "M4 Competition"
year = "2022"

if make == "BMW":
    if model == "M4 Competition":
        if year == "2022":
            print("Nice car!")
M4 Competition
Nice car!

Make piece of code that gives three different recommendations for possible classes to take at a school based on two different conditions. These conditions could be if the student likes STEM or not.

STEM = True
MISC = True
if STEM:
  print("Algebra, AP CSP, AP Biology")
elif PE:
  print("Art, Racket sports, Photography")
Algebra, AP CSP, AP Biology