Home API Notes
import getpass, sys
import random

# Function to layout the questions and answers 
def ask_question (question, answer):

# Allow answers to be typed in through input & print the questions and answers
    ans = input(question)

# Print "Correct!"" and add 1 point (through return) per correct answer 
    if ans == answer:
        return 1

# Print "Wrong" when an answer is incorrect and return 0 points
        return 0

# A list of my questions and answers using the previously added "ask_question" function
question_list = ["Who was the first emperor of Imperial China?" , "What is 5 x 8?" , "How many states are there in the United States of America?" , "What command is used to include other functions that were previously developed?" , "What command is used to evaluate correct or incorrect response in this example?" , "Each 'if' command contains an '_________' to determine a true or false condition?"]
answer_list = ["Qin", "40", "50" , "import" , "if" , "expression"]

# Set points to 0 at the start of the quiz
points = 0

# If the length of the quiz is greater than 0, then random questions will be chosen from the "question_list" set
while len(question_list) > 0:
    index = random.randint(0, len(question_list) - 1)
# The points system where a point is rewarded for each correct answer    
    points = points + ask_question(question_list[index], answer_list[index])
# If a question or answer has already been used, then it shall be deleted    
    del question_list[index]
    del answer_list[index]

# Calculating score using the points system and dividing it by the total number of questions (6)
score = (points / 6)

# Calculating the percentage of correct answers by multiplying the score by 100
percent = (score * 100)

# Printing the percentage, and formatting the percentage in a way where two decimals can be shown (through "{:.2f}")
print("{:.2f}".format(percent) + "%")

# Adding final remarks based upon the users given scores
if points >= 5:
         print("Your total score is: ", points, "out of 6. Congratulations!")

elif points == 4:
         print("Your total score is: ", points, "out of 6. Not bad, keep working! " )

         print("Your total score is: ", points, "out of 6. Its okay, better luck next time!")
What command is used to evaluate correct or incorrect response in this example?

Each 'if' command contains an '_________' to determine a true or false condition?

What is 5 x 8?

Who was the first emperor of Imperial China?

What command is used to include other functions that were previously developed?

How many states are there in the United States of America?

Your total score is:  0 out of 6. Its okay, better luck next time!