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To be quite honest, I was suprised yet not suprised that I recieved a score of 50/50 on MCQ #2. The reason behind this is because as I went through the test, I made sure to take my time for each and every problem and write out my thinking in my notebook. The overall test took me up till the end of the day on January 30th, just a day before the entire test was due. Furthermore, I made sure to look over the test questions with my classmate, Luna Iwazaki, during class time. This allowed me to get a second point of view other than my own when going through these problems. Finally, in terms of the concepts from the test, when I was confused on them I made sure to go back and watch the videos provided by College Board. These videos were essential in helping me build a foundation to answer these problems - though some of them were educated guesses, it appears that they were all correct.

As I got a perfect score, I will go over the few problems that I had guessed my answers

Problem 2

  • For this problem, I had figured out that answers "a" and "b" were not correct. From here, I had to guess between answers "c" and "d." I ended up picking answer "c," which ended up being correct as moving the statement from line 5 between lines 2 and 3 would allow the procedure to properly function. From my research, I found that it would be beneficial to move line 5 between lines 2 and three as initializing count to 0 would avoid any error in the program. It initializes the variable to a known value before the loop starts. This is necessary because the count variable is used to track the number of times the value "val" appears in the list myList. If count is not initialized to 0, its value will be undefined

Problem 12

  • For this question, I had figured that answer "b" must have been the only right choice. This answer I consider to be a guess because though on the scratch sheet of paper I used I marked this question as having the answer "b," I wrote a question mark next to it. The reason behind this was because though I figured that the rest of the answers were not correct, I could not explain why "b" was the only option. Now, I know that "b" is the answer because it provides two events in which the elevator would require movement - either from floor 1 moving up to floor 2 or vice versa.

Problem 50

  • This problem was tricky, my answer was not an educated guess as for the previous two, but rather a completely random guess. I had tried to go over the College Board material in terms of the ASCII characters with hexidecimals, but could not quite grasp the concept - my guess was quite lucky to say the least.

Notes + My Explanation

  • ASCII code is code or decimal numbers representing text
  • ASCII encodes characters into binary data consisting of seven bits
  • In ASCII character encoding, each character is represented by a unique number between 0 and 127
  • To convert from decimal to hexadecimal, you divide the decimal number by 16 and keep track of the remainders
  • The first remainder (when divided by 16) is the right-most digit in the hexadecimal representation, the second remainder is the next digit to the left, and so on, until you reach the quotient of 0.
  • 86/16 = 5, remainder = 6
  • Thus, hexadecimal representation of 86 is 56 (5 & 6)
  • This means the letter from decimal (base 10) 86 is equal to the (base 16) 56, which is "V."