P4-M 4/28 Binary Lesson HACKS
Learn the basics of binary including truth tables, boolean expressions, binary conversions, and binary searches.
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Lesson Note Taker
Fill in the blanks below during the binary presentation. You can visit our website here!^ Due to last minute deployment issues, may need to run a local server
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- Binary is a base number system.
- 0 represents off and 1 represents on.
- A bit is the minimum unit of binary information stored in a computer system.
Boolean Expressions
- A Boolean expression is a logical statement that is either TRUE or FALSE and compares data.
Truth Tables
- The logical operations shown in truth tables are AND, OR, XOR, and NOT.
5 > 3 and 5 == 3 + 2
5 < 3 and 5 == 5
5 == 5 or 5 != 5
5 < 3 or 5 != 5
age = 18
citizen = True
if age >= 18 and citizen:
print("You are eligible to vote.")
print("You are not eligible to vote.")
Binary Conversions
Binary to Decimal
- We can count in binary by using powers of 2.
- In binary, we read from right to left.
- 0111 has a value of 7.
Binary Search
- For a binary search, the list must be SORTED.
- In a binary search, computers start at the middle(front,middle,end)/
- The number of steps required in a binary search follows the equation: log(n).
- Binary searches also work with a list of strings. We can sort them alphabetically.
- Binary searches can be represented in tree diagrams.
You will NOT be awarded any points for sections that are INCOMPLETE
Note Taker
- Fill in all of the blanks above.
Lesson Quiz
- Complete the lesson quiz
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- Does not work!
Binary Game
- Complete the Binary game and reach a minimum score of 10!
- SCREENSHOT SCORE and paste it here (or with submission)
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Binary Search Questions
Make a binary search tree of different the list [1,2,4,15,25,30,31]
31 / \ 25 30 / \ / \ 15 20 31 / \ / \ 4 18 27 / 2
Put this list of strings in a order that can be used for binary search ["Donut”,"Cake”,"Soda”,"Banana”,"Fruit”]
Here is the list in alphabetical order: ["Banana", "Cake", "Donut", "Fruit", "Soda"].
- Explain why Binary Search is more efficient than Sequential Search.
Binary search is more efficient than sequential search because it can find a target value in a sorted list in logarithmic time. Sequential search, on the other hand, can only find a target value in linear time.
Extra Credit:
Translate the binary number, 1001010, into octal (base 8). SHOW YOUR WORK AND EXPLAIN YOUR THINKING.
- Octal is a base-8 number system, which means that it uses the digits 0 to 7.
- Binary is a base-2 number system, which means that it uses the digits 0 and 1.
- To convert a binary number to octal, we can group the binary digits into groups of three, starting from the right.
- We can then replace each group of three binary digits with the corresponding octal digit.
- 1001010
Group the binary digits into groups of three, starting from the right.
- 1 001 010
Replace each group of three binary digits with the corresponding octal digit.
1 001 010
1 1 2
The octal equivalent of the binary number 1001010 is 112.
Hacks Scoring
Hack | Comments | Grade |
Note Taker | fill in the blanks above | 0.1 |
Lesson Quiz | under 100% = 0.1 only | 0.2 |
Binary Game | must score at least 10 points | 0.2 |
Binary Conversions Practice | if incorrect= 0.2 awarded | 0.2 |
Binary Search Questions | if incorrect= 0.2 awarded | 0.2 |
Extra Credit | MUST SHOW WORK | 0.1 |
Total | expected= 0.9/1 | 1/1 |
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<title>Binary Quiz</title>
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<div id="game" class="justify-center flex-column">
<div id="hud">
<div id="hud-item">
<p class="hud-prefix">
<h1 class="hud-main-text" id="questionCounter">Question: 1/6</h1>
<h2 id="question">What option is NOT an example of a logical operation used in a truth table?</h2>
<div class="choice-container">
<small class="choice-prefix">A</small>
<small class="choice-text" data-number="1">AND</small>
<div class="choice-container">
<small class="choice-prefix">B</small>
<small class="choice-text" data-number="2">XOR</small>
<div class="choice-container">
<small class="choice-prefix">C</small>
<small class="choice-text" data-number="3">NONE</small>
<div class="choice-container">
<small class="choice-prefix">D</small>
<small class="choice-text" data-number="4">OR</small>
.choice-container {
display: flex;
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
width: 100%;
font-size: 1.8rem;
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transform: translateY(-0.1rem);
transition: transform 150ms;
.choice-prefix {
padding: 1.5rem 2.5rem;
background-color: #380df2;
color: white;
.choice-text {
padding: 1.5rem;
width: 100%;
color: black;
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padding: .5rem 2.25rem;
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margin: 30px 0px 18px;
h4 {
h1 {
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h3 {
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font-weight: 500;
// defining variables
const question = document.getElementById('question');
const choices = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('choice-text'));
const progressText = document.getElementById('progressText');
const scoreText = document.getElementById('score');
const progressBarFull = document.getElementById('progressBarFull');
const loader = document.getElementById('loader');
const game = document.getElementById('game');
const MAX_QUESTIONS = 6;
const questionCounterText = document.getElementById('questionCounter');
let currentQuestion = {};
let acceptingAnswers = false;
let score = 0;
let questionCounter = 0;
let availableQuestions = [];
let questionTotal = 0
let questions = [
// Update MAX_QUESTIONS when adding more
// all questions and choices
question: "What is a bit?",
choice1: "a food",
choice2: "a binary digit",
choice3: "a cool dude that surfs",
choice4: "a variable that holds 3 possible values",
choiceAnswer: 2
question: "Decimal is a base 10 system, while binary is a ____ system",
choice1: "base 2",
choice2: "base 3",
choice3: "base 4",
choice4: "object oriented",
choiceAnswer: 1
question: "What is the number(s) used in the binary system?",
choice1: "1 and 0.1",
choice2: "0 only",
choice3: "1 and 2",
choice4: "0 and 1",
choiceAnswer: 4
question: "What option is NOT an example of a logical operation used in a truth table?",
choice1: "AND",
choice2: "XOR",
choice3: "NONE",
choice4: "OR",
choiceAnswer: 3
question: "A byte is how many bits?",
choice1: "2",
choice2: "6",
choice3: "4",
choice4: "8",
choiceAnswer: 4
question: "In order for a binary search to be possible,the list must be ___",
choice1: "integers",
choice2: "sorted",
choice3: "have exactly 7 items",
choice4: "under 10 items",
choiceAnswer: 2
startGame = () => {
questionCounter = 0;
score = 0;
availableQuestions = [...questions];
// plus minus which finds middle point score for each user
getNewQuestion = () => {
// ends if no more questions
if (availableQuestions.length === 0 || questionCounter >= MAX_QUESTIONS) {
const resultContainer = document.getElementById("result");
// redirects window
return window.location.assign('/Runtime-Terror/quizfinalscore.html');
questionCounterText.innerText = `Question: ${questionCounter}/${MAX_QUESTIONS}`;
const questionIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * availableQuestions.length);
currentQuestion = availableQuestions[questionIndex];
question.innerHTML = currentQuestion.question;
choices.forEach((choice) => {
const number = choice.dataset["number"];
choice.innerHTML = currentQuestion["choice" + number];
// removes a question/ also determines when it ends
availableQuestions.splice(questionIndex, 1);
acceptingAnswers = true;
// this determines score for each choice, ex: choice3 = +3 for questionTotal
choices.forEach((choice) => {
choice.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
if (!acceptingAnswers) return;
acceptingAnswers = false;
const selectedChoice = e.target;
const selectedAnswer = selectedChoice.dataset['number'];
const choiceAnswer = currentQuestion.choiceAnswer;
console.log("Selected Answer: " + selectedAnswer);
if (selectedAnswer == choiceAnswer) {
questionTotal = questionTotal + 1
console.log("Score: " + questionTotal)
localStorage.setItem("finalScore", questionTotal)
//starts game/quiz and will console the array of choices that the user has. IE 1-4
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