Interview Presentation

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My LinkedIn Profile


Overview of Experience


Resume Overview + Key Interests

  • Coding Skills: Full Stack Development, Backend (Spring Boot, Flask), Frontend (CSS, SASS, JavaScript, HTML), APIs, SQL.
  • Unique Traits: Persistence, effective communication, leadership as a Scrum Master, problem-solving under pressure.

Highlighted Projects

  1. Racing Game:
    • Real-time data fetching, animations, inspired by NASCAR and F1.
  2. Spacebook:
    • Image storage and viewing, understanding social media image handling (Instagram, YouTube, Facebook).

Interests in Emerging Technologies

  • Google Bard and ChatGPT:
    • Prominent rise in public use, applications in various industries (investing, medical, educational).
    • Dedicated to researching and applying emerging technologies for educational and real-world applications.

Teamwork Methodologies

Experience at Del Norte

  • Scrum Master Role:

    • Leading teams, understanding individual strengths, delegating tasks, utilizing Scrum Boards.
  • Agile Methodologies:

    • Project planning and design (, Canva), development and deployment using Scrum Boards.

Favorite Projects

  1. Algorithm Racing Game

  2. Spacebook Upload and View Image

Full Stack Coding Skill Set and ML Experience

  • Backend: Spring Boot (Java), Flask (Python), AWS deployment.
  • APIs and Databases: SQL, CRUD operations.
  • Frontend: CSS, SASS, JavaScript, HTML.

GitHub and Blog

Unique Qualifications

  • Persistence and Communication:

    • Never giving up on projects, effective team communication

    • Leadership and calm problem-solving under pressure

    • Dedication to teamwork and helping others succeed

  • Passion for Learning and Research:

    • Diligent in understanding and researching topics

    • Hard work and dedication once comfortable with material