Code Contribution - Spacebook


Image to Base64 Code

  • Specify the base URL path so that all endpoints are relative to /image
  • GET request mapping fetches all records from our database


  • The POST request saves the uploaded file and fileName
  • Uploaded image is then encoded to Base64 string, so that it can be stored as text in our database
  • A new file is then made with the fileName and the encoded string


  • Images can be accessed via the endpoint “/image/{fileName}”
  • If the image is present, then the Base64 string is retrieved and decoded back into binary format


  • Check format of file and adjust media type accordingly


Frontend integration

Image Viewer


  • Fetches the image from the backend based off value of fileName input by the user
  • URL is created for the blob (binary large object) to use it as an image source on the page


Upload Image



GitHub Analytics


CollegeBoard Quiz

Question 19

Topic 3.6 - Equivalent Boolean Expressions


  • I read this problem wrong, the opposite of greater than is less than or equal. Thus, the opposite of (b > 7) is (b <= 7).

Question 37

Topic 4.1 - While Loops


  • Choice I works. Choice III works also, as it will cause the while loop to iterate while x is less than 7. The variable x is assigned 1 to start and then incremented by 2. It will be assigned the values 1, 3, 5 and then 7. When x has the value 7, the loop will terminate. The output will be 1, 3, 5.

AP Study Plans

  • To prepare for the AP Exam, I will follow a similar process to what I did last year in CSP
  • I will be sure to continue working on the Practice MCQs on CollegeBoard and doing test corrections with the included topics of the questions I am missing. This will allow me to view what concepts I am having trouble with so that I can watch the CollegeBoard videos on them and review.

Extra Credit Reviews



  • This trimester has helped me hone my skills of integrating both frontend and backend and utilizing CRUD methods
  • Java Spring was something introduced to me this year, working with it has helped me get more comfortable utilizing it
  • Learned how to store images in the backend through work with Spacebook

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